What we should remember about our freedoms and rights
As I sit with the blessing of living in this country and my freedoms, I have had to separate the definitions of freedom and rights.

Confronting our loneliness to build a Common Good
Familiar themes in a 32-year-old article provoke thoughts about how we can cultivate relationships.

Don’t have to be a fan to find meaning in March Madness
The NCAAs tournaments captivate with Cinderella stories, involvement and the proof of perseverance.

Maps help us find our way but have to reflect our world
As our worlds change, we have to make sure the courses we plot reflect the habitats where we live.

Whether you voted or not, here’s what you can do next
Satisfied or not with election results, you can always turn your energy into action you support.

What I found on a trail between France and Spain
Recently, I have taken time to change the course of my career as well as making time to travel and reflect. Here’s a bit of what I have learned these last months.

Keeping life’s ‘bubble’ centered takes diligence
When my boys were 2 and 4 years old, I started wearing a “bubble level” necklace. As a parent of small children, everything was so out of balance.