A system rightfully inspired by six proven fundamentals.
No. 1 : Explore
We listen. We enter a space with curiosity, humility and empathy. We work to seek clarity and hold up the notion that progress happens at the speed of trust. This process starts with a conversation and mutual learning.
No. 2 : Context
History matters, but is not our roadmap. The stories and the history of teams and workplace have shaped where individuals, workplaces and communities are today. Diversity of thought and vision can shape a course and be the foundation for habits that will build strong cultures and bring the best out in both teams and individuals. Anyone can read a book on organizational success, leadership or trust. Translating that to specific needs and vision is our work.
No. 3 : Engage
Relationships matter. We will hear your stories, witness your internal dynamics and get to know those that comprise your village. We will learn the culture you have created. We dwell in the problem only long enough to deeply understand it. We trust the wisdom and experience of the people who are experiencing the consequences of the problem and recognize their power in solving it. The relationship that we cultivate will foster the outreach to those within a community and those outside of it to grow well, grow sustainably and empower all to do what they are best at.
No. 4 : Strategy
Outcomes. The way we have done things prior to this point in the world will likely not serve us optimally moving forward. Strategy is a set of choices made in the face of uncertainty to augment and positively impact your chances of success. Through questions, systems analysis, and viewing your situation as an ecosystem, we will clarify paths to create attainable deliverables to help you grow well and realize your potential.
No. 5 : Implement
Communicate, evaluate, refine. The best strategies can be worthless if not implemented properly. Implementation is the requires participation from all invested and a communication of the why and how. We have a checklist to assure that your strategy, goals and roles align to foster an organic process of implementation that allows for learning and refining as needed to create sustainable change.
No. 6 : Accountability
Results, follow through, and learning. Accountability is not taking blame, it is learning from the process and noting the influences to the system as a result of the implementation of the set strategy. Accountability fosters response-ability and increases creativity, morale and connection to mission. We support the process of learning from all steps of the process. This willingness to incorporate understanding for the greater good and assure that acknowledgement is part of the process offers closure and the path to what’s next.
Let’s get started
Change is on the horizon as you know that learning has taken place but are not quite sure how to assess it. It can be hard to imagine what transformation support even looks like day to day. That’s okay. Our most successful engagements begin with nothing more than a candid conversation.
“The essential challenge is to transform the isolation and self-interest within our communities into connectedness and caring for the whole.”
– Peter Block